Railfan Forum

New replacement railway enthusiasts forum for the trusty old YaBB based forum for the site, now fully integrated into the wordpress blog.

This forum below using the Asgaros Forum plugin for WordPress has been sacked.

The WordPress blog will continue, but the forum is now moved over to a new phpBB based messageboard which has Spam controls that actually work. I’ve tried my best to link the WordPress blog and new forum with a bridge that’s supposed to make the 2 work together is terms of membership registration. 

CLICK HERE to go to the

New LocomotivesUK Forum.

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You need to log in to create posts and topics.

Grosmont NYMR Visit - 28th August 2018

On the 28th of August 2018 I made an impromptu follow-up visit to Grosmont with my Fuji F550EXR.

I wasn't originally planning on going there, but I'd picked up a few items in town while I was down there for a "picnic" to sit outside somewhere to eat, and as all my usual spots to sit and eat in Whitby were packed with tourists I decided to pop down to Grosmont with it.

While there I took the opportunity to try grab some footage to create some content, and slightly over a year later, I've finally got round to editing and uploading it into a video.

This topic has been locked due to morons trying to use it as a f***ing classifieds advertising service for people too lazy to do their coursework.

Commenting on this video can still be done below the original blog post: https://railblog.locomotives.org.uk/grosmont-nymr-visit-28th-august-2018/

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