D7628 At Whitby Railway Station – 20th June 2018

Not really too much of a story to go with this one.

As per usual, I had my Fuji F550EXR Digital Camera with me while I was out and about doing errands in town of some sort. Continue reading “D7628 At Whitby Railway Station – 20th June 2018”

NYMR’s 76079 Steam Locomotive at Whitby Station (6th July 2018)

I took this footage on the morning of 6th July 2018 while trudging back from capturing footage from the Cook 250 Event going on in the town the same morning.

I only really caught a very short clip of video footage as the locomotive wasn’t really doing much other than sitting at the platform producing steam, but I also caught some fairly decent still images I was able to drop into this video to help pad it out a bit. Continue reading “NYMR’s 76079 Steam Locomotive at Whitby Station (6th July 2018)”