Class 142 Pacer DMU Double Uploaded Finally

After months of putting it off due to pandemics, hard drive failures and other computer issues, numerous interruptions around the household that make it impossible to get anything done for months at a time, and all sorts of other issues too long to keep track of, today I finally got it sorted – uploaded a pair of clips of Class 142 Pacer DMU’s on the local line.

First recorded on the Fuji F550EXR camera on 2 seperate days in April 2019 while walking to or from town along the footpath that follows the line and the river between Ruswarp and Whitby Stations. Continue reading “Class 142 Pacer DMU Double Uploaded Finally”

LocomotivesUK is SSL Again

You may have noticed a slight change to the LocomotivesUK Railblog in that it has started flipping to being a sub-domain of one of my other domain names.

This has been done to help save spending £125 a year on having more than 2 SSL Certificates available on my hosting package, which I have to split between 15 – 20 domain names.

The move should help keep the site safer, keep Google happy, speed things up as this AlltheInterweb domain is also wired-up to Cloudflare CDN and stop your web browser making false claims that this website might not be safe just because it was using ye olde fashioned http instead of https like you see now.

Class 55 Deltic at Whitby Station 2012 – Panoramic Pic

I got a number of opportunities to photograph one of my favourite locomotives types in 2012, the Class 55 Deltic (most of the footage being lost to a HDD failure a few summers later).

Included was an attempt at using the panoramic mode on my best digital compact, and now I’ve got a new plugin here on the blog for displaying panoramic shots thought I’d take the opportunity to test it out with a picture recovered from a now defunct extra webhosting package I had for one of my previous website projects. Continue reading “Class 55 Deltic at Whitby Station 2012 – Panoramic Pic”

Making LocomotivesUK Greater on Instagram

The last few years have made it rather awkward to be able to get around and create video content for this website’s channels on well known popular video sharing websites.

First my own car had issues with it’s MOT in 2019 (and I still haven’t been able to afford to fix the thing), then after about 15-months of having to leg it everywhere again finally taking charge of my Dad’s car to get around, only to still not being able to get around much ‘cos of the dratted freak-out over the virus. Continue reading “Making LocomotivesUK Greater on Instagram”

Forums Clean-up

Efforts to clean the forums of several months worth of spam are on-going in an effort to make the damn place usable again for pukka users.

I’m slowly getting there via a combination of shunting the cr*p into a hidden section of the forums + deleting it after reporting the morons via StopForumSpam.

Feel free to use the forums for their intended purpose of talking about trains, and perhaps Introduce Yourself.

Talk About Trains

Back in the early days of me using the internet. and becoming a born again railway enthusiast back around 2002 one of the first places I cut my teeth talking online about trains was on Yahoo Groups.

Now in the continuing saga of the managed decline of Yahoo, the groups on there are apparently going to be totally binned.

If you’re looking for somewhere else to talk about locomotives and railway related stuff on the interweb, don’t forget we have a messageboard forum attached to the blog where you can talk about this stuff instead, as well as a comments box below each article on the blog. Continue reading “Talk About Trains”

Website Now Upgraded to SSL

Today I’ve made a brief upgrade to the website so that it runs over SSL with an https:// at the start of the domain instead of the traditional less secure http:// version.

In theory this should make the site more secure, run faster + keep google happy.

It’s also now required to have an https:// at the start of the url for certain well known popular social media websites to allow your website to use their website for log-in & registration, such as Facebook Connect and similar website features.

UPDATE: 4th October 2021

The site has now been downgraded from using SSL as I needed the certificate for something else, and it wasn’t making that much difference to securing the site anyway from spammers.

It will be upgraded again at a later date when I’m better able to afford the £100 a year the webhosts charge for having more than the 2 included SSL certificates on the package when running more than 1 website on it.

LocomotivesUK Expands It’s Presence On the Interweb

Lately I have been adding extra options to help you find LocomotivesUK on the Interweb via Social Media, and connect with other enthusiasts of railway things from the smallest Z-Gauge model to the biggest mainline locomotives on the planet.

In addition to the Twitter page, Facebook Page & YouTube channel there is now a Reddit Group + a Facebook Group for you to choose from, as well as the forums integrated into this wordpress blog.

Just follow the links in the above tweet, or there’s also follow buttons from AddThis in the top-right corner of the blog (which also pop-up after you’ve shared the content here to your own social media profiles when you see something too good not to share).

LocomotivesUK Blog Has Arrived

I’ve decided to create a blog part of the LocomotivesUK website to make it easier to post new content, and replace the Classifieds Ads section that wasn’t going that well.

Stay Tuned for more as I develop this thing.